I want to see foods containing GMO ingredients labeled. To take personal responsibility for the food
I eat, I need to know what is in it. I
do not like that the foods companies, aided by the federal government, can hide
the fact that GMO ingredients are in the foods I buy. It seems un-American and anti-democratic to
suppress information about the foods Americans eats.

One action among many I am doing about GMO food is to write
to food manufacturers, retailers and restaurants about my desire to have verified
GMO-free foods. When writing to
companies I like to pick particular products since this makes the inquiry more
focused. I have done this recently for
two products: Quaker Old Fashion Oatmeal and Cheerios. I just submitted my
request through their websites. I got
some interesting responses almost immediately.
These companies have obviously thought about GMO foods a lot.
Quaker Oats, which happens to be a division of PepsiCo,
stated in their reply email:
“None of the oats, wheat or barley used
in our products -- across all brands -- are grown from genetically modified
seeds. In fact, genetically modified seeds for this/these crops are not
currently commercially available in the U.S.”
“When it comes to safety, the FDA has determined that
foods developed through this process [GMO] are no different than foods
developed by traditional plant breeding.”
do not trust the FDA determination on GMOs since they were under great political
pressure to approve GMO crops despite reservations.
Mills, which makes Cheerios, refers to GMOs with the term ”biotechnologically-improved
crops.” That is great marketing spin. I suppose it tries to convey the impression
GMO crops are better than conventional crops so don’t worry. I would use the term ”biotechnologically-altered
crops” because I think it is more accurate.
General Mills also stated that
“ … the FDA does not require special
labeling for it [GMO]. However, if food has been significantly altered in
composition or nutrient content, or if biotechnology introduces allergens into
food, special labeling is required. None of our products requires special
labeling. Accordingly, we do not test them for the presence of this material.”
Hey, we see no problem with GMO food ingredients so we don’t to check
for it. Further
“Because of the growing use of biotechnology
by farmers and the way that grain gets commingled in storage and shipment, it′s
certainly possible that some of our products may contain ingredients that have
been improved through biotechnology.”
We don’t know what’s GMO and what isn’t so how can we label it? Finally, they stated if you want GMO-free
just buy organic food. Oh, by the way,
we sell that too.
“General Mills also believes in
providing consumers with a variety of food options. Toward that end, we do
offer organic products that, by definition, do not use ingredients that have
been improved through biotechnology.”
Food manufacturers are aware that many people have concerns
about GMO foods. However, they generally
would rather not label their food products as GMO or GMO-free. But foods companies will also do what they
think is in their best interest. If
enough people demand to know if their products are GMO-free, the food companies
will eventually provide that information.
I encourage you to write to food manufacturers, restaurants
and supermarkets to let them know that you want GMO-free food. It’s easy through their websites. Just find their contact page. Simply state “I like your brand X, but I also
want to be informed about what is in my food.
I want to make sure my foods are healthy. One thing I want is to avoid foods with GMO
ingredients. I would like to see a
variety of your brand X that is verified GMO-free and labeled as such.” There is no need to go into a polemic about
GMO food. The food companies probably
know more about the pros and cons of GMO food then we do. We just need to say I want GMO-free food and
GMO labeling.